letter sent out to the head of 11 governments: UK, USA, Canada, France, Finland, Germany, Australia, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway.

January 17, 2023

This letter has been sent to head of 11 governments: UK, USA, Canada, France, Finland, Germany, Australia, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway. 

Subject: Suspending the credential of the I.R. of Iran for the constant violation of human rights

The President of the United Nations General Assembly (GA), Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, began his mission under a guiding motto: “Solutions through Solidarity, Sustainability, and Science”. This motto is deeply inspiring for preserving a peaceful life through respecting, implementing, and promoting human rights. Especially “Solutions through Solidarity” can potentially lead the General Assembly to initiate studies and recommendations for the “purpose of assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all”.[1]

Thankful of your government for promoting peace and human rights in the world, and grateful of Mr. Kőrösi’s guiding reflection, under the auspices of the Charter of the United Nations, and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and

Reaffirming faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women,[2]

Reacknowledging establishment of conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained,[3]

Remembering the obligation of the members of the United Nations to fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the UN Charter,[4]

Recalling the duty of the members of the UN to be able and willing to carry out obligations arisen from the Charter,[5]

Remembering Res. 3207 (xxiv) of 1974 of the GA calling on the Security Council to review the constant violation of human rights by the Apartheid regime of South Africa,

Remembering the GA voted the suspension of South Africa to participate, speak, make proposals or vote in the GA.

Recalling Res. 76/178 regarding situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic (I.R.)  of Iran, and previous resolutions on the same issue, the most recent of which is Res. 75/191 of 16 December 2020, 

Welcoming the continuing efforts of international community condemning the brutal crackdown of the peaceful protests in Iran for freedom, human rights, and democratic values,

We, Iranians living abroad, express our serious concerns about the

  1. I.R. of Iran’ unwillingness to comply with treaty obligations[6] which are the main sources of international law,[7]
  2. conscious negligence of the Due Diligence Principle arisen from the obligations undertaken under the Charter by the I.R. of Iran,[8]
  3. I.R. of Iran’s intentional denial of the intrinsic human rights of peoples of Iran approved by both customary international law[9] as well as international treaties,[10]
  4. I.R. of Iran’s insolently interfering[11] in and destabilizing the neighbouring countries and the Middle East region.

With a view into the General Assembly’s rules and procedures, we urgently request your government to initiate suspending credibility of the I.R. of Iran’s delegation in the United Nations. 

This initiative outlaws the I.R. of Iran, that conducts grave, instant, and systematic violation of the rights of the peoples of Iran, not to use international venues for legitimizing its conduct, and for dissemination of disinformation and propaganda.

If your office has any questions, they may contact the undersigned at any time.


Sincerely yours,

Mahmoud Masaeli, Ph.D.


Professor of International Law, Human Rights, and Global Ethics (Ottawa and Carleton universities)

Executive Director of APGC, Consultative Status with ECOSOC

[1] Charter, article 13(2).

[2] Charter, preamble, para. 2.

[3] Preamble, para. 3.

[4] Article 2(2).

[5] Article 4.

[6] Terms of membership, article 4.

[7] The ICJ Statute, Article 38.

[8] Article 1 (3).

[9] Expressed by the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. Statement of H.E. MR. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, President of the ICJ before the 6th Committee of the GA, 1 November 2019.

[10] International Bill of Human Rights.

[11] The Charter, article 2(4).

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